Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Timothy: The most fun and useful semi-handicapped 14 year old boy I've ever met

He's special but I'm not exactly sure why - maybe some form of autism? Anyways, he's incredibly smart with languages and it's been quite entertaining learning from him. Timothy's grandmother is the caretaker of the guesthouse where I am staying (a guesthouse is like a massive bed and breakfast) and that's the reason he is around regularly.

Learning another language can be tiring and almost embarrassing, as you struggle to pronounce a single word for the 10th time, and the adult looks at you, like 'seriously? why can't you get it? are you retarded?'. But because he's different, there's no judgement. I think he's my favourite teacher yet : )


  1. Hello friend!

    I have LOVED reading your blog so much! Thank you for posting everyday, it is so exciting to read about how you are feeling as you lived though this awesome experience! I am so proud too, this is such a bave thing your doing, and what a live changing thing!!!

    Post some pictures of your room and where you are staying! This will help me picture what your living life is like right now!

    Tons of love.... I will write more soon, I snuck on the computer while the kids are doing calendar but, I should really get back now!!!


  2. Claire! That is the best title for a post I've ever seen!
    I'm glad that you have found someone that you are comfortable working on your Portuguese with!
    He looks so cute! I hope you spoil us with plenty of Timothy pictures!
    Hey is Danielle reading your blog while at work? Awesome!

    One of these days, I'll finally succeed in having you banish "retarded" from your vocabulary.
    Until then...
    Have fun!

  3. What is in that little critter's back pocket?

  4. It's a chipmunk, Timothy, which he is obsessed with. It's so cute : )

  5. A Chipmunk! That is awesome! I thought it was a hamster with teeth. It looked like the hamster from Kim possible.


    Did Timothy name the chipmunk after himself? Is the chipmunk named Timothy too?
