Monday, June 14, 2010

Simply Incredible

That's the only way I can describe today.
I think I'm still on a bit of high, really.

It was my first day on the project, the community centre in the favelas.

I can hardly break it down into highlights but I'll try:

- Looking over the entire city of Rio, perched on this mountain where my favela is located. I can't believe how beautiful it is. I'll post pictures tomorrow hopefully.

- Sitting, eating lunch and watching birds and animals I've never seen before. The girl I am working with agreed that it felt like we were watching a scene from Avatar.

- speaking Portuguese all. day. long. Oh my goodness I don't think my brain has been so tired.

- Working with this really sweet British girl named Danielle! She's so nice, and wears really short shorts and has blond hair so she draws all the attention. The men don't even notice me! I feel much more comfortable walking around ha.

- and most of all, working with the kids. They were amazing, loud, joyous, hilarious and loving. We played games, made music, and did art. My favourite kid is nicknamed Buddy Spike.

- Coming back to the hotel and going for a swim, under the stars. It's winter here (still quite warm though) so it gets dark early - like 5:30pm.

I'm going to sleep easily tonight. Praise the Lord. I am so thankful I'm here.

The photos above: The pool, the streets, decorated for the World Cup.


  1. Loving to read that! We'll have lot to talk!

  2. favelas sounds like a type of pancake.
    Describe ...

  3. I'm glad you are having so much fun! Who is this Danielle chick? I will come out there and shave her head and they will be back to looking at you. You are welcome.

    Do the children have the Avatar tail and donkey ears? Or is it just the scenery that is breathtakingly beautiful as in Avatar?

    I am so very proud of you for learning and speaking Portuguese. Those are some very lucky children, especially Buddy Spike (sidenote- that has to be the COOLEST nickname ever!)
    Have fun Stinker, I miss you out this way! Enjoy the peace and quiet and swimming under the stars.
