Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Last Night I Was a Little Low, But Today is a Party!

Yeah, last night I had a bit of lonely evening, but I should have seen it coming, since it was on my third day in Europe I had a good cry too. The first couple of days are overwhelming and then by the third day all the emotions come out, you know? It's been built up in me for the past 3 months basically! ha

Today on the other hand though, was a wild Brazilian partaaay! We (and by we I mean 10 or so other volunteers ) went to Copacabana, which is the big main beach. It was quite similar to the Olympic venues, set up by FIFA. My project, and everyone else's, was closed for the day. Literally, the whole country shuts down when a game is on.

We ate and danced and watched the game. Brazil won of course : )

I'm a little sunburned but otherwise fantastic.

I'm headed to the nursery project to volunteer tomorrow, so I'm pretty excited about that.

Here's pictures of the game and 3 of the volunteers: Danni (who's on my project), Chris, and one other girl, which is terrible that I can't remember her name! haha sorry!


  1. I'm crazy to watch one of the games there in copacabana, you already did!!! WOW!
    God bless you tomorrow, let's talk on skype, ok?!

  2. Hey, I thought you were a little "soft" yesterday... soft meaning that your emotions are bubbling towards the surface and they could spill at any time.
    I'm glad you felt better after a good cry! Did you get to talk to your mom yesterday? That might have made you feel better!
    Glad the sadness has left the building.
    Typical you forgetting someones name already. I hope you didn't tell her about your blog... she'll be searching for herself looking for fame and find that she is tagged "guest" . Hilarious. Let's call her Lucy.
    I like the look of those pictures ! Have fun with the craziness involved in Brazil and enjoy the World Cup madness!
    Have fun missy!
