Monday, June 21, 2010

And the tide has turned once again

Just like my Mom wisely predicted, this trip is full of ups and downs. Last night, unfortunately, happened to be a bit of a down time. I think the reason was that I was exhausted and slightly cranky due to a lack of sleep and the place we went to made me feel highly uncomfortable. I honestly likened the World Cup street party all of us volunteers attended to a ocean, swarming with men sharks and us girls were like tasty little fish. Thank goodness we had a couple of guys in our group to fend off the particularly aggressive ones.

Anyways, I was still a tiny bit cranky this morning, but progressively, the day got better and I feel back to normal. : )
Let´s get straight to the highlights then:
- designing the murals for a couple of walls in the favela. We will paint them with the kids on Wednesday. I did learn though, that apparently I am not skilled at drawing a large scale landscape, consisting of a rainbow and clouds. I feel a little embarrassed that my bad artwork has to be stuck on their walls as a reminder of that really light skinned Canadian who visited for a month. ha oh well

- making dinner with Stephanie and sharing in the community atmosphere of the guesthouse
- chilling with the volunteers at the local hangout. ~

And now on to tidbits of information about life in Rio:

- If you ever want to travel to a city where you might actually lose weight, Rio is the city to do it in. Spend 3 or 4 days walking around and you will have buns of steel. These hills here are killer.
-red lights don´t necessarily mean stop while driving in a taxi. It´s more like... hey if there´s no other cars immediately in sight, proceed even faster.
(Don´t worry Mom, I am safe!)

The photos tonight are of us volunteers, down at the local hangout. Special photo dedication to Preena, who had her last night here. Miss you!


  1. Cool Shots!
    I am sure you are a hot commodity there, but I'd like you to remember that you are quite popular where ever you go and it is not just in a foreign country where there are skirt chasers. I'm sure you are overwhelmed by the persistence of the men pursuing you, but you must remember that you have been surrounding yourself with nice polite Church-gentleman and that in the real world there are plenty of people who have gotten a taste of naughtiness and continue to chase it.
    Grin and bear it baby.
    The more you tell me about this magical place, the more I want to go. I think I might like having someone chase me around.

    You will have your artwork forever etched on the walls of a building! That is crazy! Draw my face in the clouds alright? Draw me and Timothy and the Chipmunk!

    And you had iron buns when you left! Please up your food intake, because if you come back any smaller than when you left I'll put you in the front of the grocery cart when we go shopping.
    Miss you :)
