Brazil won 3-0 against Chile and a good time was had by all.
Perfect weather, fun people.
One thing I'd really worried about before leaving for Rio was being lonely. While I have experienced some other unfortunate events (being sick, losing my credit card), I have been incredibly blessed to not feel lonely once.
I find it fascinating how easy it is to connect with complete strangers, and feel comfortable. Here is my analysis of the situation:
- People are naturally drawn to others who can communicate fluently in their native language.
We like to form communities based on primal abilities, such as conversing, and then we choose to feel secure in those relationships, even if we have only just met.
- However, this isn't always the case, as I have loved hanging out with the French crew. Their English is good, but it's not perfect. Sorry guys! ha
So the second facet must be that we are drawn to people who are in roughly the same life situation. We form a common bond through circumstance. We are all foreigners, living on the same street, experiencing similar things.
- And lastly, I think our shared demographics connect us. Us volunteers are all youngish, with the desire for a little adventure and life experience.
I'm blessed to be a part of such a great group. English, Australian, Irish, American, and me, the Canadian.
I'm going to try and head to bed early tonight but since Brazil won today, the crazy loud music that comes from God knows where will be playing until late tonight. Rio de Janeiro is without a doubt the noisiest city I've ever been in. It's like it's in their DNA to be ridiculously loud. It's great : )
The top photo is of this alley I passed by with the French crew the other day.
And the bottom one is of Ray Ray (Rachel), Vicki (Victoria), and Dani (Danielle) at Copacabana.
Glad to see you putting your Psych degree to good use.