Saturday, June 26, 2010

Best of times/worst of times Part Deux

Saturdays seem to be the day I'll have it all.
Like I posted earlier, feeling seriously ill is no fun at all, but once you are in the mindset that you are going to get better, all things are possible.

I ended up having an absolutely wonderful afternoon and evening (minus the Christ mis-hap) and it's not over yet. Highlights of today:

- having one of the best, if not the best, moments by myself, standing in a town square, marvelling at the reality of being in Rio de Janeiro. I came here alone, and have met some of the most hilarious, welcoming people in my life.

- I'll inform you of the French crew. There's Jules, who I'll call the 'lover'. His girlfriend, Christie, just arrived today and they haven't seen each other in 3 months. I'm sure you can imagine ha : ) Then there is Gabi, the 'silent one'. Next is Pierre, the prototype of a 'passionate Parisian'. There is also Ben, the 'nice/funny Jew'. And lastly, there is Lucy, who is actually Belgian, but since she speaks French fluently, I'll categorize her as the 'honorary Francais'.
They are an awesome group and I'm lucky I got to know them...

- having a going away dinner party for Angie, my room mate. There is nothing like having a huge home cooked meal in a foreign country. What a delight.

- Attending Angie's friend's samba birthday party. I was absorbed for the entire time, watching the fluid movements of the dancers. It was incredible. I even got asked to dance several times, but for one guy, all I had to say was
"Eu sou Canadense" which translates "I am Canadian". He laughed and walked away.

Saturdays in Rio are memorable, that is for sure.

Photos are: 3 of the French crew, after realizing we didn't make it.

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