ha ok, ok I'll explain... before you start thinking I've had a 'divine' experience.
I'll start way back with last night.
I went out with the French crew again, and was enormously pleased I decided to tough it out to have the experiences that I did.
We hung out at this one particularly hip place for a bit, and people watched. I tried to savour the moment and the visuals of the crowd - drunk, rowdy Brazilian women, sophisticated young men eyeing up the available talent, openly affectionate lovers, the warm night air, the smiles and the easiness of it all.
Then we headed to a very memorable restaurant - a champagne bar of sorts. The French guys knew someone who worked there and we sat on a balcony, sipping delicious champagne for a couple of hours. It was glorious.
I knew the alcohol probably wouldn't be the best for my throat, but I decided it was worth the risk.
In the morning, I woke, drenched in sweat and it hit me hard: whether it was the alcohol's fault or not, I was worse. Waaay worse. Like oh my gosh get me to a doctor. Now.
I sat there for a minute, freaking out. 'Everyone is still sleeping. I don't want to have to bother Ingo [the volunteer co-ordinator]. I don't want to make a big scene. I hate going to the doctor at the best of times, and going in Brazil?' Plus, I'm ultra cheap and the thought of throwing down a bunch of money for medical services was not very appealing.
And then I thought, 'Claire, you are a big girl. Get a hold of yourself. Get up. Wash your face and go over there and wake him up. It's not the end of the world'
So I did. And we went. And it cost 300 Real but praise the Lord, I should be fine within a week. I just have really infected (gross, I know) tonsils and with regularly taking the anti-biotics I bought, I will be healthy in no time.
I know for a fact that it's the placebo effect, but I think I feel better already. Simply knowing that I have the ingredients to make myself well, makes me feel happy and lighthearted.
I think that's why I had such fun with the French crew today, even though we had a major disappointment.
And my major disappointment, I mean we arrived 5 minutes before closing to see the massive Christ statue, but they had closed the ticket window. We had spent loads of cash on getting a taxi there and it was lost...
I mainly felt bad for them because they have to leave soon, whereas I hopefully will have a chance to see it before I come home.
I will post more later... with pictures too. My camera needs to charge : )