Today was another marvelous day.
I'm sitting here, in my room, with the dull pounding of music that is coming from somewhere in the neighbourhood, thinking: I don't deserve to be this happy. I almost feel guilty for having such a good time here in Rio. Doesn't that sound ridiculous? Ha!
I guess it's that I don't want people to think I'm bragging on my blog, how every day is fantastic and I'm having the time of my life. Yes, while that is correct, I also have down times.
It can be exhausting trying to converse with people in Portuguese, I get cranky with some of the volunteers occasionally when I am hungry and tired, and I very rarely get the sleep I need.
So don't get too jealous when I post about today. My life here is not perfect by any means.
However, life is a lot of fun right now, and I want to share my experiences. I do appreciate you reading. : )
Today then - Sunday.
Evan, Lauri and I made it to church this morning, even though we were half an hour late. We accidentally caught the bus going the wrong direction. I was glad we went though, because it was a neat service to attend - we took communion. Apparently Baptist churches are the same around the world: grape juice is the communion drink of choice, and not wine. I had to laugh : )
After church, we headed to Ipanema Beach. Lauri and Evan and I managed to find the rest of the volunteers and we all chilled together.
Highlights of the beach:
- sitting in the hot sun but not getting burned because it's winter sun here. Absolutely divine.
- running into this local Brazilian guy that Dani and I had met before. He is 18, and from the local slum neighbourhood. The special thing about him though, is that he is quite smart and has taught himself English so that he could find a decent job, to try and escape the drugs and poverty of his peers. I was not only impressed by his motivation but his natural friendliness and generosity. I especially liked it when he gave me a bag of traditional Brazilian cookies, with no strings attached. Just because. (Turns out the cookies were kind of gross, but it was the thought I'll remember).
After the beach, we hit up the market. I loved walking around, looking at the beautiful jewellery and art and clothes and bags. I will definitely be back next week, with more money.
Then, this evening I made myself a huge healthy dinner. I felt so proud, to do it on my own. And it got me thinking...
these past couple of weeks have really changed me as a person. I honestly feel like I've grown up enormously. While I was sitting at the table, cutting up watermelon for dessert, it dawned on me - I'm doing this on my own. Entirely.
I've always had my dad or mom or brother or boyfriend to cut my watermelon (I'm generally useless at cutting large objects) and this is the first time I've done it by myself. I could go find the gardener if I was desperate but that would be pretty lame. So I suck it up and figure it out. And it is awesome.
I knew coming here would be a new chapter in my life, but I didn't expect how happy it would make me.
Praise the Lord.
: )
The pictures above: At church - A lady I met who can speak English and translates, Evan and Lauri and I. And Ipanema Beach.